Saturday, March 4, 2017

Another Immigration Post Because It's So Hot Right Now

The “immigration issue” is a land tenure issue. And people desperately need an education. In short: There is no argument for closed borders.
  1. No wall is big or strong enough to protect you from the consequences of fencing off the commons. That's because a nation that fences itself off from the rest of the world has typically already fenced its own people out of the best land within its borders. It has already impoverished its children and begun the path to internal collapse. There is no safety argument for raising fences.

  2. Immigrants, as well as your fellow countrymen, are trying to pay you rent for their use of your country. But this value was long ago securitized by your government and sold to private parties: These securities are called freehold land titles. They are held in a closed-end fund (land is fixed in supply) and trade, at the whim of existing owners, at a monopoly price (land is necessary for all life and production). Your economic trouble is caused by your government, not by immigrants; there is thus no economic argument for raising fences. 
There are very few terrorists in this world who can inflict more damage on a country than the institution of private, freehold land ownership already has. It's reasonable enough to screen for such terrorists, but any restriction on residence beyond a simple background check is, really, just the act of serfs trying to make other serfs more servile than themselves.

Here's a post I wrote last year that goes into another aspect of the economics.

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